Am I The Only One With “Oh, No!” Moments?
A few weeks ago, I was listening to a Bible study on the radio when fear suddenly gripped me.
The pastor was talking about sin and how guilty we are of it. He also taught about sin’s eternal consequences.
At that moment, a sudden rush of panic clenched my heart as I absorbed the reality of my sinful condition apart from Jesus. I also worried I would still end up in hell despite being born again.
Honestly, it took me a few seconds to regroup. But the Holy Spirit quickly reminded me that Jesus forgave me when I trusted Him for my salvation over three decades ago (Colossians 2:13-14). He also reaffirmed Jesus’ blood not only cleansed me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) but clothed me in His righteousness through faith (Romans 3:22).
The reassurance I felt immediately afterward was beyond comforting. My fears vanished instantly, but my gratefulness soared as I reflected on Jesus’ amazing grace that rescued me from an otherwise horrific fate. The experience was also a great reminder never to trust in myself or my efforts to accomplish what Jesus already settled on the cross.
What about you? What “Oh, no!” moments have plagued you recently? How did they draw you closer to Jesus and increase your reliance on Him? Let me know in the comments.