Trusting Jesus Through Challenges


Two of the difficulties I have faced in my life rank as the most painful and frustrating ones to navigate and overcome.

When the first challenge began, I underestimated the toll it would take on me emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. When the second one hit ten years later, I experienced a different type of emotional anguish because it confirmed many suspicions I had over the years but could never prove.

Throughout both hardships, I struggled to understand why they occurred. I knew Jesus was sovereignly in charge but also recognized that fact did not prohibit Him from allowing other people to exercise their free will or sin. The pain that resulted from those realities was the hardest to process and ultimately conquer.

In hindsight, I can clearly see how both challenges helped me trust Jesus more with situations that were out of my control. I also saw Romans 8:28 play out in my life through both of them, which grew me as a believer and taught me many valuable lessons.

But it was nowhere near easy!

What about you? Are you trusting Jesus more deeply because of the challenges you have faced? Let me know in the comments or send me a DM—especially if you need prayer.

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